
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Maria Droujkova is visiting the Bay Area

I'm very excited that Maria Droujkova is here in Richmond and Berkeley for a few days. She'd like to meet with anyone who's interested, to chat about math and anything related. We'll be at Genki, in Berkeley, on Wednesday evening, from 5 to 7:30pm. I'm looking forward to it.

Genki is a reasonably priced sushi restaurant, on San Pablo at Cedar (1610 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702, 510-524-1465). If you mention the math group, the person who greets you will point you to our table. If you can rsvp to me (suevanhattum at hotmail, or 510-236-8044) by 4 on Wednesday, I can give Genki a sense of how big a table we'll need.

It would be great to meet folks who are reading my blog.

From Maria:
I will be at a sushi place talking math with whoever is interested. I hope to brainstorm about the "Family Math Methods 101" I plan to run online - an open college-level elementary teaching methods experience for parents and community educators. If you would like to join the conversation, please come.
Maria Droujkova

Make math your own, to make your own math.


  1. Oh! You're up north! I just left a comment with your last post and I wanted to mention how much I loved the Exploratorium's Teacher Institute for teaching me the concepts of physics. It's how I dream of running my math classes- like them. I'm actually currently in LA and will be moving up there next school year! =)

  2. Will you be teaching at a high school up here? If you'd like to get together to talk about math and teaching, just let me know.

    I know someone else who worked at the Exploratorium, and loved what she learned there.

  3. We gave too short a notice, so Maria and I got to have a tete-a-tete. If we had been in Cincinatti, Minneapolis, and LA, we would have had folks join us... ;^)

    If there are people reading this locally who'd like to meet over dinner some day, let me know. I'd be happy to arrange something. Maria's visit gave me lots of inspirations.
