
Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm in love with Vi Hart('s imagination)

Wind and Mr. Ug is going to keep me thinking mathematically, and metaphorically, for days.


  1. Wonderful. I am passing this around!

  2. I loved the camels and the snakes. I thought this was cute.

    Actually, I've been thinking about Moebius strips quite a bit lately, forcing poor students who wander into my office to make twisted loops and cut them apart in various ways.

    How do I fit them in with what we are studying? Or should I just dump one day in favor of arts and crafts and twists and turns?


  3. Would it be a good thing to put in your sub plans? (No fair! If you did that you'd miss out on the fun!)

  4. My sub plans are usually carefully crafted worksheets so that the kids can progress through the topic at hand without me there.

    But I am almost never absent.

    Fun activities require my presence.


  5. Makes sense to me.

    (When I went to the AMATYC conference, I had the sub do rational expressions. My students got to practice factoring more, and I got out of a topic I don't think belongs in the beginning algebra course.)
