
Friday, January 13, 2012

Playing With Math

If you just found my blog after reading my comment on Valerie Strauss' The Answer Sheet, you can start by watching this video of a math salon I conducted at my home. Or check out these posts:
 There's lots more to discover here, but that should get you started.


  1. When I tried to view the video, it says it was "removed by the user".

  2. Hmm, I didn't even think to double-check that it was still working. I didn't remove it, and I don't know yet what's wrong. I'll see if I can fix it.

  3. I've uploaded it from my computer to YouTube. It's working fine now. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you have any questions.

  4. What a great video, Sue. It resonates with me, especially about the part where students/children should be asking the questions, not simply answering the teachers' questions.

    I recognized a lot of the games such as Battleship, Blokus and Connect 4. I had these and many more in my classroom. I feel that my job as a math educator is bigger than teaching the math curriculum at a specific grade and these games and activities helped me do that in a classroom setting.

    How is your Richmond project going?

  5. I am terrible at promoting myself, and hadn't had as many people coming each month as I'd like. I said December would be the last one, and got the best attendance in a year.

    I told people this was going to motivate me to change the form of it. One of the participants called me yesterday and asked for a February math salon, guaranteeing lots of families. (Yeay!)

    She also wanted to work with me on getting together something for teens. I told her I'd love that, if the teens were coming by their own choice.

    So it's evolving...
