
Saturday, April 28, 2012

5th Annual Math Circle Teacher Training Institute

Bob & Ellen Kaplan (founders of the Boston area math circles, and authors of Out of the Labyrinth: Setting Mathematics Free and many other intriguing math books),  along with Amanda Serenevy (founder of Riverbend Community Math Center), run a fabulous week-long Math Circle Teacher Training Institute, held on the beautiful campus of Notre Dame. This summer is their 5th annual Institute, and I'll be helping out for the first part of the week.

For only $850, you get room and board... (The food is amazingly good for such a huge operation - not quite up to my personal organic, local, sustainable standards, but really yummy, with an incredible variety of choices.) ... and then you get to play with math all day. My friend, Ellen H, and I used to call it the math spa. (We went swimming every morning before breakfast.)

If you come, you'll also get to work with Tatiana Shubin and Anand Patel, who both have some serious math circle experience.

The first year I was amazed that I could do math all day long and never get tired of it. There's lots of freedom to explore in whatever way works best for you.

Arrive: Sunday, July 8 (or as early as you can on Monday, July 9). Notre Dame is in South Bend, Indiana, 2 hours from Chicago.

Five days of math circle mania:

  • we participate in math circles in the mornings,
  • we run one math circle for kids late one afternoon, and watch our colleagues try it out on the other afternoons,
  • we discuss the ins and outs of math circles and other fun ways of doing math in the early afternoons,
  • we play with Amanda's collection of math toys and browse her collection of math books, whenever we want,
  • we plot, plan, and socialize in between all that.
Depart: Saturday, July 14

Total cost: $850

Email kaplan at if you're interested in joining us.

Next post: Rodi Steinig, a Math Circle Institute success story. She runs the math circle at the Talking Stick Learning Center, and blogs about it  here.


  1. A week earlier and I would have - I need to plan way in advance for next year...


  2. Dang, Jonathan, I would so love to meet you! I'll try to post earlier next year.

  3. I'm going to the one in Palo Alto last week of June. So excited!! (But also thinking, Am I qualified to run a math circle?!) I'm assuming yours is the same thing. I'd love to meet you, Sue, so why don't you show up there too.

  4. I'll be at a wedding in Chicago on the 23rd, so the last week of June won't be possible. But I'm going to be working with this one, which is held on the campus of UC Berkeley. Wanna come? I would love to meet you.

  5. And I think you're quite qualified to run a math circle.

  6. Sue, that looks EXACTLY like what I'd love to do! But I'm up there the full week following, just can't be gone both weeks, not when hubby will be in Mexico and our puppy needs me (meaning I need the puppy). We're close enough, so hopefully another opportunity will come up.
