
Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Mathematics of Planet Earth

I really like Plus Magazine. If you have any interest in submitting something for this competition, I think it will be a good one.

Can you explain the mathematics of planet Earth?

Mathematics of Planet Earth
Our planet is shaped by the oceans, the dynamic geology and the changing climate. It teems with life and we, in particular, have a massive impact as we build homes, grow food, travel and feed our ever-hungry need for energy. Mathematics is vital in understanding all of these, which is why 2013 has been declared as the year for the Mathematics of Planet Earth.
As well as encouraging research into fundamental questions about the Earth and how to meet the challenges it faces, there will also be many opportunities during 2013 for everyone to get involved including public lectures and workshops, competitions and exhibitions. The first such competition is now underway: the MPE 2013 competition to design an exhibit about the mathematics of Planet Earth.

[At some point, I decided I didn't like writing posts that just linked to someone else's post. I do that seldom now. That's why I had so many goodies to share in the Math Teachers at Play blog carnival. There were about 20 submissions and over 30 posts I had saved over the past year. But this one felt worth it.]

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