
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Meet the New Bloggers (week 3)

This is the shortest bunch so far. Introducing Rachel, Emily, Kevin, Meagan, Algebrainiac, Nate, and Aaron...

Rachel Tabak (@ray_emily), blogging at Writing to Learn to Teach, wrote Moar River Crossing and Whiteboarding!!! Her summary: In this post, I share one of my (just-discovered) favorite problems, a river-crossing puzzle designed by Mark Driscoll to help kids develop algebraic thinking. First, I relate how we approached this problem in my classroom. Then, I reflect on what I noticed as I watched my students work with various models (all the while honing their perception of what clear mathematical communication entails).
Students independently discovered that they needed to seek out structure within this problem, and then they did just that - without my saying a word.
I love this problem! (I thought I had blogged about it long ago, but I never did.) We did this at the 'math salon' I hold at my home with families. Thanks for reminding me of it, Rachel.

Emily Allman (@allmanfiles), blogging at  Algebra, Essentially, wrote Parenthetically Speaking. Her summary: My aha moment surrounding the definition of parentheses.
I find a subtle beauty in tiny moments of enlightenment, even if it is only my own.
What are parentheses?  Emily knows...  I love lightbulb moments.

Kevin Laxton, blogging at A Beginners View of Math Education, wrote Favorite Math Quote (New Blogger Initiation Post 3). His summary: I love this quote. Man, do I love this quote!
"Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe."  - Galileo
 Is there a god? I'm not sure. Is there math? Yes!

Meagan Bubulka, blogging at variablesofmath, wrote Flipping and Common Core. Her summary: This blog is the start of my blogs on flipping my classroom.  I also discuss how that will play into Common Core.  It gives an intro and then I have taken the liberty of answering many of the questions I have heard for the past 8 months since I started Flipping!
This is what we all wanted – time to let our students get to mastery through activities, projects, labs, etc.
I can't yet imagine doing a flipped class. It seems like so much more prep to do video lessons (and have activities for classtime).

Algebrainiac (@algebrainiac1), blogging at Algebrainiac, wrote Why I teach Math. AB's summary: My post this week is all about why I chose teaching and why I teach math.  It was an interesting road for me, but I couldn't be happier that I ended up a math teacher.
I grew up playing school with my little sister, older cousin and sometimes my stuffed animals and even my barbies played school. 
I played school when I was little, too. Then, as a high school feminist, I thought I should do something 'more important'. Hah! I love teaching math too.  Thanks for sharing your story, AB.

Nate Gildersleeve, blogging at Hard Enough Problems, wrote Alg 2 and Precalc. His summary: It's a short post, but I make the argument that Algebra 2 and Precalc are both centered around exploration of functions.
Algebra 2 and Precalc should be called Functions I and Functions II.

Aaron C. (@CarpGoesMoo), blogging at Random Teaching Tangents, wrote New Blogger Initiation 3. His summary: Relating how I like to introduce students to "real math."
I mean 2 + 2 = FISH is honestly just as valid if you know what you’re doing.
 i heart fish?  ;^)

That was fun. Next week is our last chance to savor all these new blogs together. So get your reading in while you can.

Roundup of all the week 3 posts: Julie, Fawn, Anne, Megan, Bowman, Sam, Lisa, John, Shelli, Tina, and Kate


  1. Sue, Love the work you are doing to motivate new math bloggers out there, keep it up. One of your new bloggers prompted me to finally write up my notes on the History of this old gem and put it on a blog.

  2. I was so sure I had written about it before, but that was for my chapter, so it hasn't made it to my blog. Maybe I should post that, even though it's old...
