
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meet the New Bloggers (week 4)

The last installment... I hope you've subscribed to your favorites. Introducing Kyle, Maggie, Erin, Jillian, Kate, Nate, and (once again!) Algebrainiac.

Kyle Harlow (@KBHarlow), blogging at War and Piecewise Functions, wrote Just Some Cell Phone Photos From Denver. His summary: Spent last weekend in Denver, CO and went to the Broncos game.  Here are some pictures from my trip.
The hotel we stayed at had a restaurant called Pi Kitchen + Bar.  Its menu was a circle, and happy hour was from 3:14p to 6:28p.

Maggie Acree (@pitoinfinity8), blogging at pitoinfinity, wrote PreRequisite Knowledge/Rev. Her summary: This post is about reviewing concepts and what teachers do for reviewing. I used to spend a six weeks or so reviewing concepts from previous years, but it really did little to no good, so I have a solution I have found that has worked well for me.
No matter what, I am done reviewing concepts for the first six weeks.
What Maggie calls 'bell ringers' I call 'warmups'. I like her idea of using warmups to do the necessary review of concepts we wish our students already had down.

Erin Goddard (@ErinYBaker), blogging at Math Lessons on the Loose!!, wrote Thanks Blogger Community . Her summary: I related to mathemagicalmolly's blog. Only a teacher knows what a teacher's night sleep is like.
I always saw the real benefit of taking [from other blogs], but I learned the true benefit of reading, relating, learning, and also giving back hopefully as much as others have given me.
How nervous are you at the beginning of the school year?

Jillian Paulen (@jlpaulen), blogging at Laplace Transforms for Life, wrote My Math Autobiography (a week late). Her summary: I’ve always assigned a “Math Autobiography” to my Geometry students and I’ve really enjoyed reading them. But I’ve never written about myself! So here’s my (long) story.
My love for math has only grown since I started teaching, and I hope I can continue for a long, long time.
Her math ed course seemed too fluffy. I hear that. I wonder if there's a way to draw in the math talent in the math ed courses.

Kate (@fourkatie), blogging at Axis of Reflection, wrote Grade/Age Equivalents are NOT numbers!. Her summary: For my final post for the new blogger initiation I opted to write about what was on my mind. Today that was the use of age and grade equivalents by a special educator in a report. I stepped on my soap box to rant about why age/grade equivalents are NOT numbers and therefore should not be treated like they are.
Because they are not real numbers, so you can't do math with them like they are real numbers.
Do any one or two summary numbers really tell you anything important about a student?

Nate Gildersleeve, blogging at Hard Enough Problems, wrote Visual Multiplication. His summary: This post talks about a visual multiplication lesson I did, and what my rationale was for it.
It is that I want to use this as a way to practice and learn several things: the idea that there are multiple valid ways of doing something; if those ways do the same thing they are connected in some way; and by talking about these connections we gain a deeper understanding of whatever we're covering.
I'd like to hear more about the connections involved in doing the same thing two different ways.

Algebrainiac (@algebrainiac1), blogging at Algebrainiac, wrote Open House/Curriculum Night. AB's summary: I posted my plans for the set up of my room for 8th grade Open House, which was a new format for us this year. I included links to handouts and files I prepared.
The main difference I have seen so far is that the Open House format seems to require more front end work to prepare, but I don’t imagine I will leave as tired and drained as in past years.
I hope it went well. AB sure put in the preparation!

Maybe by next year, we'll have enough teachers at each level that we can split off. I'd love to review a half dozen new college math teachers' blogs.

The round up of week four is at these blogs:: JulieFawnAnneMeganBowmanSamLisaJohnShelliTina, and Kate. And a roundup sorted by grade level taught (for those who responded to Julie's survey) is here.

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