
Friday, June 6, 2014

Want to write a review of Playing With Math? Contact me!

Playing With Math: Stories from Math Circles, Homeschoolers, and Passionate Teachers is finally going to press. After 5 1/2 years of work, I am ready to send it out into the world. We expect to publish this fall.

In a recent series of posts, I shared the short bios our authors and artists have put together so you can see what an exciting group of authors we have, then I shared the Table of Contents so you can get a small taste of what's to come, and finally I shared the short reviews a few people wrote that will appear on the back cover of the book.

Now we need some longer, meatier reviews. If you would like a copy of the manuscript to review, just email me at I will send you a pdf. If you can post your review on June 20 or close to it, I would be delighted. That's when our crowd-funding campaign at will begin.

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