
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Aunty Math

Welcome to the world of
Aunty Math
Math Challenges for K-5 Learners

One of the reasons I put together a book was my fear that good online writing often just disappears. One of the sites I had really liked - and thought of including somehow in the book - was a site with stories from Aunty Math (Aunt Mathilda). It disappeared before I could contact the author. And for years, I thought it was just plain gone.

This evening I searched for Aunty Math, and found that someone had managed to get to this site through the Wayback Machine. It is now available as an archive. Check out all eleven past challenges. I think you'll enjoy them.

I would love to be in touch with the author, Angela G. Andrews. I googled her, but I don't see an email address. I'll just thank her here for her lovely stories. Thanks, Angela!

My book, Playing with Math: Stories from Math Circles, Homeschoolers, and Passionate Teachers, won't disappear. If you want a copy to appear in your mailbox, order one now.

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